What is Deepfake?

Applications of Deepfake Technology have been growing at a fast pace. Deepfakes are computer-generated fake videos. They combine images to create new footage depicting events, statements, or actions that never occurred. Fake videos created with digital software; machine learning is known as deepfakes. The outcomes can also be very convincing. Moreover, deepfakes differ from other types of false information. They are very difficult to spot.

Deepfakes are media that are usually in the form of video but can also be in the form of audio. They are created, altered, or synthesized using deep learning. Thus, it deceives viewers or listeners into believing a false event or message.

Types of deepfakes.

The realm of deepfakes is an ever-evolving landscape that introduces various types of manipulated media content, raising concerns about misinformation and its societal impacts.

“One of the primary concerns surrounding deepfakes is their potential to impersonate authorised personnel and manipulate financial transactions. By creating deepfake videos or audio recordings of executives, fraudsters can trick employees into approving fraudulent transactions or releasing sensitive financial information.

Here’s an extensive look at different types of deepfakes:

1. Face-swapping deepfakes: This is the most common form, where the face of one person is superimposed onto another’s using deep learning algorithms. It can be done convincingly, making it appear as if the target person is saying or doing things they haven’t.

2. Voice synthesis: Generating synthetic voice recordings that mimic someone’s speech patterns and intonations. These can be used to create fake audio messages or mimic someone’s voice to an eerily accurate degree.

3. Gesture and body movement manipulation: Deep learning techniques can also alter body movements, gestures, and expressions in videos, making it seem like a person is doing or saying something they didn’t.

4. Text-based deepfakes: AI-generated text, such as articles, social media posts, or even emails, that imitate the writing style of a specific individual, potentially leading to misleading content creation.

5. Object manipulation: Beyond faces and bodies, deep learning can manipulate objects within videos, changing their appearance or behaviour. This could lead to deceptive presentations of events or situations.

6. Hybrid deepfakes: Combining multiple techniques, such as face-swapping with altered voice or body movements, to create more sophisticated and convincing deepfakes.

7. Malicious use cases: Deepfakes have been employed in various malicious activities, including revenge porn, political manipulation, spreading hoaxes, and financial fraud.

Examples of deepfakes being used for positive purposes.

Some examples of deepfakes being used for positive purposes include:

Enhancing Creativity: Deepfakes can be utilized to create engaging content like music videos and advertisements by blending different faces, voices, and expressions.

Protecting Privacy: Deepfakes can safeguard individuals’ identities by concealing their voices and faces, thus preserving their privacy, and preventing unwanted attention.

Social Experiments: In social science experiments, deepfakes are employed to study human behaviour and decision-making processes through the manipulation of visual and auditory stimuli.

These examples highlight the diverse ways in which deepfake technology can be harnessed for positive outcomes in creativity, privacy protection, and social science research.

How to address potential negative impacts of deepfake

Understanding the different types of deepfakes is crucial for recognising and addressing their potential negative impacts. The proliferation of this technology calls for robust countermeasures which includes:

Detection tools: Developing algorithms to identify and flag manipulated content. AI and machine learning models are being created to detect discrepancies in videos, audio, and texts.

Regulatory measures: Policies and laws aimed at curbing the misuse of deepfake technology. Governments and tech companies are working to establish guidelines and regulations to govern its creation and dissemination.

Awareness and education: Educating the public about the existence and potential risks of deepfakes can help people become more discerning consumers of online content.

Technological advancements: Advancing technologies to not only detect deepfakes but also to create digital watermarks or authentication systems that verify the authenticity of media content.

How can you spot deepfakes?

Identifying a deepfake can be challenging, but there are some key indicators to look out for:

1. Inconsistencies or Oddities: Watch for inconsistencies in facial features, unnatural movements, or irregularities in the background.

2. Unnatural Facial Expressions: Deepfakes might display strange facial expressions or unnatural eye movements that don’t align with the audio or context.

3. Blurry Edges or Artefacts: Pay attention to blurry edges around the face or body, or noticeable artefacts that appear out of place.

4. Abnormal Audio Sync: Sometimes, the audio might not sync perfectly with the lip movements, or there might be glitches in the voice.

5. Contextual Anomalies: Assess the context of the video. Does it seem plausible? Is there anything in the background or actions that seem out of place?

6. Source Verification: Always try to verify the source of the video or image. Check multiple reliable sources or look for corroborating evidence.

7. Use Technology: Some software or online tools are designed to detect deepfakes by analysing various elements in the video.

8. Consult Experts: If in doubt, consulting experts in digital forensics or AI-generated content can help determine the authenticity of the media.


Deepfakes offer a fantastic opportunity to make a positive difference in our lives. Artificial intelligence-generated synthetic media can be a powerful enabler. Deepfakes can provide people with a voice and a sense of purpose. From art, expression, and public safety to accessibility and business, new ideas and capabilities for empowerment have emerged from all walks of life. Deepfakes have the potential to open doors for everyone, regardless of their limitations.

But, as synthetic media technology becomes more widely available, the risk of exploitation rises. Deepfakes can smear people’s reputations, fabricate evidence, defraud the public. It can erode public confidence in democratic institutions.

With further improvements and better laws regarding Deepfakes, it will be a great technology to use.




Written by

Oluwasegun Onasanya

ProvidusBank Ltd

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